The banking industry is under the spotlight on high lending rates. The country's top officials expressed hope that the bank could play a better role as a financial intermediary institution by lowering interest rates,high interest rate at bank,Why pay such high fess ? paying high fees, causes many borrowers to default.
Peer to peer lending can get you a low interest loan NO NEED to worry anymore,introducing P2PAY peer to peer lending on a decentralized loan platform
Why Choose P2PAY ?
P2pay lending is a method of debt financing that enables individuals to borrow and lend money without the use of an official financial institution as an intermediary. The profile of a borrower will be displayed on a peer-to-peer online platform where investors can assess these profiles to determine whether they would want to risk lending money to a borrower. There will be access to liquidity pools which will ensure a borrower will find the liquidity they desire. Use of group chats and instant friend invites by way of social media and email are another convenient feature. Currently no other peer-to-peer platform compares to P2pay Beta platform. There will be no problem for borrowers to access their loan once received on the platform. Tokenwill be liquidated for cash instantly to your P2pay debit card. P2pay will also allow for integration of over 50 alt coins that can be liquidated instantly. The smartphone app will allow for point of sale purchases.
Choose your own interest rate investors can bid on contracts 24/hrs a day
Be your own bank,p2pay changing the financial,industry powered on the waves blockchain
P2pay-Beta platform is fully operational. Its user friendly interface provides clients with aspectacular experience and is leading the way by far from all of our competitors. Platform is integrated with Facebook and Linkedin. When a user registers they have full access to the message board as well as the option to make groups and pools according to their needs. Once connected to the platform user can send invites via email for anyone to join the platform along with them. Borrowers can draw up loan request just as well as lenders to create for a competitive environment. When a loan is applied for there will be 3rdparty verifiers from around the world to confirm status and provide a transparent report to the lenders. For the Beta version we will use a trust score which reflect the number of loans completed.
P2PAY aims to revolutionize lending cutting out the banks and make alt coins liquid at the push of a button.
Peer-to-peer lending removes the middleman from the process, but it also involves more time, effort and risk than the general brick-and-mortar lending
Token Dynamics
Total supply: 21,000,000
Token in circulation:14,070,000*(Remainder of tokens held for one year. Thereafter 25% of the remaining supply will be distributed to token holders in accordance to your balance once per year until full distributed). All tokens not sold during ICO stage will be held for one year as well and be distributed 25% per year to token holders according to your balance.
Token: Waves
Network: Proof of stake

Road Map
# P2PAY Platform will be released 07/12/2019. As of now our beta platform will be available to all investors and future clients.
# Debit card from Mastercard issued 10/1/2019. We will secure these plans immediately after ICO is completed.
# Smart phone integration for retail sales will be available 2/1/2020. The app will allow for retail sales at point of entry.
# Integration of over 50 alt coins will be exchangeable 6/30/2020. Top 50 alt coins will be interchangeable with smartphone app and debit card
With this short review, we hope you can find something new here ( P2PAY ), to get to know more widely you can contact the team and open the link below :
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