A new platform that allows users at the Retail Sales Point (POS) to use smart meters and smartband is not affected. By using the first blockchain technology that uses hierarchy. And has a complete solution from beginning to end (end to end solution) for retail and SmartWatch (POS) sales-point of contact including reference implementation of the entire stack of all components. It consists of a mobile application and a sales end point (POS) and is ready for use. With all components that will be offered widely through open source and open specifications. everything SIDERA has done, here is the explanation;
Sidera will help generate demand for new and old, as well as large and small electronic money. Sidera focus on Asia, more specifically in Indonesia and China.
Half of all people living in Southeast Asia. In China there are over 700 million people internet users. Sidera have local teams with a deep understanding of Indonesia and Middle quoccong market with a track record, connections and products to suit needs market demand is moving toward Sidera.
In principle, the name of their unique technology speaks for itself - "Decentralized wearables» (Decentralized Wearable Devices). The basis is already well known blockchain system. This technology, in addition to the use of portable devices in the form of hours on a wrist - Sidera offers :
- Simple, user-friendly, intuitive and most importantly safe, way to manage their own savings cryptocurrency;
- Technology 'wrist to the wrist »(Wrist-to-wrist), which allows to perform operations with the touch cryptocurrency one hand, by the encrypted signal via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi without using servers, routers, and similar devices.
Besides all this, the following features:
- This is the first hardware purse with BitSMART operating system, which is always with you - on your arm - and is fully compatible with blockchain technology;
- The loss of a purse with BitSMART does not mean the loss of funds - all your CyberMoney protected by multi-level protection (more about her later);
- Many functions - this auto transfer of funds addresses the invisible «ghost» mode, wristwatch, QR-code generator, pricing notification trade in the currency markets, and much more;
- Compatible with NFS POC - payment is possible in any modern shop. In addition to the usual conversion cryptocurrency cash payment means - USD, EUR, GBP - will happen instantly, and all necessary information is immediately displayed on the screen of the device on your hand;
- Supports most cryptocurrency: eQUOS, Bitcoin, and many others;
- Compatible with ERC-20;
Continuum is the first physical and wearable decentralized exchange. You don't have to rely on a central authority: trade cryptocurrencies with peers simply on your wrist.

ICO Details
In order to support his revolutionary ideas SIDERA group launches ICO project and introduces tokens turnover compatible with ERP-20, which received the name eQUOS. Now they have the following value: 1 USD = 0.5 eQUOS.
SIDERA project was born in September 2016. One year later - in 2017 - collected the bulk of the project team. In January 2018 came the first prototype of the system, which is now in a large-scale development. At the beginning of 2019 is planned to open sale and BitWath BitBand, and by the summer contracts for cooperation with military and financial companies.
Token Name : eQUOS
Target 15,000,000 USD
51,000,000 of Token ERC20 eQUOS
Token Price : 1 USD = 0.5 eQUOS
SOFT CAP: 1,500,000 USD
HARD CAP: 15,000,000 USD


They founded the project: Camillio Piscitelli (Camillo Piscitelli) - founder and head of the project; Neagle Vincenzo (Vincenzo Niglio) - co-founder and Doni Marco (Marco Doni) - CEO. SIDERA when the project is fully operational, it will really help to popularize cryptocurrency as a mass means of payment, as the purchase of goods, exchange cryptocurrency and other operations will not pose any difficulties for the user. It is worthwhile, relevant and modern technology worthy of the XXI century.

The SIDERA developers believe that they will be able to achieve some success in this segment. AI is likely to increase a lot in the future, as well as the company's costs and tokens.SIDERA can be a good long-term investment for you, because the possibility of this company will offer a good return on investment, but in the future. If you have enough patience, it would be good to invest in this company.
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