The mission of cryptocurrencies still is to replace an antiquated and at least partially rigged and inefficient monetary system, with an elegant decentralised currency system fit for daily use - and in particular for retail - of clean, practical, structured and intelligent code that will independently maintain its integrity and functionality.
Fluzcoin is well positioned with the global trend towards mobile payments.A well-tuned system of things as follows:
#. careful choice of limited initial geographic scope,
#. focus on specific customer and merchant target group,
#. aggressive commercial incentives d) heavy brand building efforts leading to share of of mind as well as
#. seamless crypto-fiat conversion at retail POS are set to yield gradually to mass adoption.
Examples like Paypal or WeChat Payment show the way
Fluzcoin is deliberately configured as technologyagnostic. For the start it has chosen JP Morgan Quorum forked from Ethereum, in a version customized for institutional needs. The adoption of a validated solution, JP Morgan Quorum last
generation permission based blockchain, enables high throughput as well as data privacy.
Contact us at info@fluzcoin.io Fluzcoin will also provide its own wallet to store, sell, buy and pay with Fluzcoin at retail through practical QR code scanning. Corporate Fluzcoin wallets will provide merchants with the necessary accounting input to reconcile Fluzcoin payments.
The latter is important in the case for instance of ecommerce transactions with high return rates of items; invoicing in this case means authorizing up to the total of the ordered items leaving the merchant the option to then later initiate a lower value transfer only which takes into account returns that have happened in meantime.
With the technical foundations to (a) authorize transfers in the future and to (b) adapt the total to be transferred within a set range in the future envisage Fluzcoin to serve as a platform for a multitude of consumer finance service providers (some of which may be started and grow big exclusively on the Fluzcoin platform)
EUNOMIA AI system will be able to maintain the coin value and remove the risk of volatility that the current system has, when it’s about crypto-economy. That means the transaction here will be more effective. And, the user will be able to use their cryptocurrency at the best possible value.
Fluzcoin also provide the reward system. The good thing about this system is you don’t need to work to hard in order to get the reward. You just need to hold the coin or cryptocurrency in your Fluzcoin account, and you will get the reward. The reward comes in coin. Therefore, you will automatically add more and more coin, if you use Fluzcoin service.
The retail price in Fluzcoin is also much cheaper. If you want to invest in cryptocurrency or coin, you won’t need too much budget as the start. Then, the merchant also can get benefits from this system. They won’t need to spend too much money to provide the transaction system for their customer. They even can get it for free. More than that, the free-volatility-problem-solution, also ensures the value of the payment from their customer at its best value. Plus, it will be automatically converted into FIAT currencies.
The Platform and Tokens
Fluzcoin use Ethereum platform, which is considered to be one of the fastest platform. Then, for tokens, they start released it on April this year. The token will become the tool that you can use to do the transaction in Fluzcoin environment. You can start to use it on Q1 2019, when Fluzcoin will be officially and fully operated.


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