In audio future, every website, news portal or blog that is interesting to the audience will acquire its own audio version and will be able to deliver its content to the audience via various audio interfaces. With the help of audio, we want to give modern people an opportunity to consume information without being glued to a screen.
It would be nice to listen to news from your favorite sites or blogs or your friends’ comments about the world events while driving. Indeed, a bulk of internet content can be delivered as audio without losing anything, for example, news, articles, analytics, blogs, etc.
Yet, even content as popular as news is far more likely to be found in text or video form, and audio content on the Internet remains a second-class citizen.
The main reason is that production of audio content brings no direct profits to the Content Providers, and requires additional investment into its production.LetItPlay provides a solution to this problem.
LetitPlay is backed by EOS blockchain technology. Decentralized nature of this solution allows us to implement a genuinely transparent and fair attention economy designed to reward content creators for consumer attention to content, including listens, likes, comments and reposts.
PlayPower function
Having consumers, producers and service providers within one ecosystem will drastically change audio content market
New freelance opportunities will be created for narrators, editors and translators
Service Providers will get access to global market
Service Providers will get a stable commission source
The cost of audio production will decrease by an order of magnitude (falling below $1 per minute)
Audio-version creation time will decrease down to 30 min Content Providers will get an affordable and fast way of audio production
Consumers will get tons of quality content
Distributors will get a unified source of content to use in their apps
Play Token distribution & Raised funds distribution

A two-year roadmap is designed to facilitate balanced and gradual development of three main directions: platform, blockchain, community and content

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